Saturday, January 20, 2007


Fearless attitudes are needed to perform magic. It's not just the patter or the gestures that are needed to perform, there is the edge of the abyss that must be faced as you embark on an attempt to bring an audience with you on a magical journey. This can quickly turn into an unintelligible display of foolishness and amateur movement.

When one performs magic, one must become a character. Magic is acting and assuming a role of the magician. One must find a suitable vehicle to convey your magical prowess. Waiving a wand and wearing the appropriate outfit does not make you a magician nor actor.  The outfit is just a costume but it gets you in the right frame of mind. The right effect must be discovered.

There is the easy way out, a self working effect that anyone can do if they have the wherewithal, or try an effect that has an element of danger. The danger is that the edgy effect may not work.

The rings is the ultimate classic magic effect that has the edgy and problematic performance level to invoke fear in the performer and can wind up  a thing of beauty or an obvious puzzle.

The rings should never be a puzzle to be guessed, they should always be a performance to be watched. There is a chess-like attack in the performance. Each move builds to the next and misdirects and confuses until the spectator gives up the puzzle. Questions are answered before asked. Doubts are satisfied with each subtle move. In the end, subsequent answers can be only justified with only one possible answer. Something magical has occurred.


-Magic Ian